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Leaving Amazon store listings on their own during the holiday season and expecting to gain more sales is an old-school act. This year 2.3 million active sellers are selling on Amazon, and approximately 2k new users are signing up to sell on Amazon.

How you can stay ahead of the game and which areas of your Amazon store catalog you need to enhance for the upcoming events.

We will explain how to prepare the listings, ads campaigns, and inventory replenishment prediction to get more out of the holiday season.

For the new launch brand items.

Make sure you have implemented the proper launch process using PPC to gain relevancy with the market, and main keywords indexing. Enroll in vine program for couple early reviews for buyer attraction.

You need to make sure before jumping into the holidays your store listings are retail ready having featured offer. Learn more about Optimize for retail readiness

Checking for retail readiness

retail ready product listing
retail ready item example

Now that you have an understanding of the key components of a product detail page, let’s go through each element to see when it is considered retail ready.

Title and description

Product images

To be retail ready:


to be retail ready:
  1. The product is in stock, contributing to a positive customer experience and avoiding lost sales

Rating and reviews

to be retail ready, the products has:
  1. A star rating of 3.5 stars or more
  2. At least 15 customer reviews

Enhanced content

a+ page EBC
To be retail ready, enhanced content:

Includes supplemental information

What you’ve just gone through is what we refer to as the retail readiness checklist. Refer to this checklist to perform a quick and simple review of ASIN elements to ensure campaigns are set up for success.

  1. Title and description
  2. Images and video
  3. Customer reviews
  4. Star rating
  5. Inventory
  6. Enhanced content
search engine optimization

Preparation for existing product listings for holiday season

We need to optimize product listings by doing market competitor analysis and creating a master keyword list related to your store product. The keywords that top competitors are ranking for and getting sales from it. Prepare a list that how many of those keywords have indexing and ranking for your product listing.
Master keyword list for your product listing will allow digging deep into competitor data and you can get an insight of keywords on how many of those keywords your competitor is getting revenue from.

holiday season sales
master keywords list

If your competitor listing is ranking for the 100 most related keywords and you are having 20 keywords indexing with your store product listings, you can choose keywords from that list as per your available budget and start targeting using PPC ads and adding them to the listings bullet points and description section.

There is a simple way to create a master keywords list, Outsource an expert to do it for you. 

More Listing attributes optimization.

We must ensure that the product listings and more attributes are properly updated. We experienced by seeing store listings that people do not count the more attributes section for SEO. But our case study says that updating this section can bring more organic visibility to the listings in the Amazon market.

amazon listings attributes

In this section update all product-related tabs, this will help the Amazon algorithm show your items with the search terms used by the buyers. This section help product listing organic ranking.
For example, if you are selling a bowl, you can update the dept., material type, extra features, number of products, etc. This section is pre-built in the Amazon more attribute section and brings a positive impact on organic ranking.

amazon listing attributes

Listings backend search terms and more attributes optimization

250 characters for the section. Thus, if you are using duplicate words then you are wasting the opportunity.

backend search terms
wrong search terms examplelisting optimization

Hence there are more backend attributes should be updated with product related features

fba optimization

This section is part of the Amazon search algorithm. We can get Organic visibility of the items by using these attributes. Implementing all the above tips for listings optimization and keyword selection will help listings stand out in the Amazon market to gain more revenue.

ppc ads expert

Amazon sponsored ads optimization for the holiday season

Amazon PPC ad campaigns play an essential role in product listings visibility. During holidays season there are more searches take place than the actual product.
During holidays, additional keyword searches and the original key phrases take place together, and during the peak season, the event-related keywords get a high search volume. These new keywords are related to holiday events.
Specifically, in the USA, the community loves to send gifts to their loved ones, and friends. GF, BF, Family members, and more.
The key phrases take place in the Amazon searches. Such as
gift for holidays, for Christmas, thanksgiving gifts, Gift for family, for mother, for grandpa, and more.

“It is a fact that during the last quarter of the year, Amazon sellers see 45% to 75% revenue growth.”

Haroon Usman (Amazon Marketing Specialist)

Early September is the right time to set up new ad campaigns by targeting these events-related keywords.

Here how to set up sponsored products & Brand ads

Create a list of upcoming events. Start keyword research using those main keywords in any keyword research tools. 

The following tools are recommended for best practices

Sonar Amazon keyword tool

Helium 10

These tools will provide you with the event-related keywords list. Download the list and filter the most relevant to your product and the event.

Techniques to set up ads with different match types

example, if upcoming event is Christmas use

Keyword = Match type

for christmas = phrase match type only

thanksgiving gift = phrase match type and exact

holiday gifts = exact match type should be used

Gift for her = phrase match only

I hope you get to understand and use the same techniques for other event-related keywords.
Set up these PPC ads with low bidding, let me clear this for you. Please use 20% less than the Amazon Min bidding suggestion.

You need to think as a marketing expert and act the same even if you can provide these details to your VA  if you have any or hire a Professional Amazon virtual assistant to do this job for you.
expert virtual assistant

Outsourcing the right talent for this job

The partner needs to have total participation techniques to scale the Amazon store operation to its full capacity.
Here are the best practices and questions to have an interview with the virtual person before making a hire from all-in-one solution company.

  1. Create an outline for the job you need to outsource or ask them to evaluate your store and provide the POA.
  2. Interview with the candidate to check communication level.
  3. Ask them what happens when my assistant quits / is sick / is on vacation?
  4. Ask for the previous projects done by the VA.
  5. Set communication medium and daily work reporting.
  6. What’s the best way to make the most out of your service?
  7. Why do short-term clients end their relationship with you?
  8. What do your long-term clients have in common?
  9. Check their online presence on different platforms, such as Clutch, Amazon partner program.
  10. Do you provide full services related to eCommerce, Amazon, Walmart, Etsy, eBay, Design etc.

Amazon is a real business and works for long terms thinking and if you want to get more out of it for the long run.
I hope this content will help you to get ready your store product listings for the holiday season.

Haroon Usman

(Amazon Marketing Specialist)


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