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Fiverr, the world’s largest marketplace for digital services, provides a technologically optimized transactional platform for both customers and sellers. A ‘Gig’ is the distinctive word for a service given by a vendor on Fiverr. Sellers can set their beginning pricing point when establishing Gigs.
⦿ Editing of images
⦿ Enhancement of images
⦿ Photographs of products
⦿ Design of the package label
⦿ Logos
It’s really cheap, yet it’s of excellent quality.
I’ve been using Fiverr for a long time, even before I became an Amazon seller. It’s where I go for any kind of design work.
➡️ To find the type of gig you’re looking for, use the search bar.
➡️ Remove ‘Relevance’ from the default display.
➡️ Set your preferred pricing range using the filters.
➡️ Check a gig’s star rating and amount of reviews (at least 25 reviews and 5 stars).
➡️ When placing an order for a gig, be certain you provide the seller with all of the necessary details.
➡️ While your gig is being prepared, check in on a daily basis because the vendor may have questions for you.
It’s more expensive than Fiverr, but it’s more convenient because Amazon will remove a unit from your inventory, photograph it, and then return it to you. It might even be less expensive because you don’t always get your product back when you give it to a Fiverr photographer back.
This service is presently only available in the United States. At this moment, the link below works, but if it doesn’t, log into your seller account and search for ‘product photography’ using the ‘Help’ option.