Lithium batteries are frequently used and have the following characteristics:
Lithium batteries, on the other hand, can be hazardous. They can release deadly amounts of heat and may ignite if broken, dropped, crushed, or short-circuited when exposed to heat they are also harmful. Lithium batteries are constantly subject regulations as a result of these factors.
When you establish a listing or convert an existing listing to FBA, you must include Any Battery-related information. Your product may be banned for sale Through FBA If the battery Information. You supply is Insufficient, erroneous, or otherwise on manage dangerous Products classification,
You must additionally provide a Battery exemption sheet.
For safety concerns, Amazon requires sellers to publish a complete list of battery related information for their items. All information must be submitted in accordance with Amazon’s guidelines, otherwise Amazon will refuse to provide FBA services or allow products to be listed on its site.
If you wish to sell a product that contains or requires lithium batteries (even if the batteries aren’t included), you’ll need to submit a battery exemption sheet to show that the batteries in your product meet the requirements Policies of Amazon.
This is generally done after you have made the listing on Amazon and the \listing will not be active until the exemption document has been submitted. For additional Information And to read about Amazon’s battery, follow these links policies.
Don’t let this deter you from selling things that have or require certification batteries When We get to the lectures on product sourcing in this course, you’ll notice that learn how to.